Virtual Villagers 3

Courtesy of Jazzo

See full list on Virtual Villagers 3: The Secret City Walkthrough & Cheats. Virtual Villagers 3: The Secret City Walkthrough will help you grow your little people in real-time as you embark on a journey to re-populate the city ruins of Isola. Use this in-depth Virtual Villagers Walkthrough to help successfully guide your villagers through this entertaining sim. Either have the fire burn out, and there is a chance that the diamond will appear, or when you notice the fire starting to sparkle, drag a bunch of villagers to the waterfall to bring water to put out the fire.

One of the hardest parts of VV3 is not having your villagers starve. Here is a spoiler guide that should help you guide your tribe so they don't starve.

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VideosWhen you first start, immediately, drag a villager to the banana/mango/papaya under the tree and near the broken machine. It should be just to the right of where you start. Put a villager on it and they will plant a tree. That tree will be your second source of food.
Next, make your fire. If you have the tutorial on, it will tell you how. If not, I'm assuming you have already played VV2 and know how. The wood is directly above where you start and the dry grass is at the far left, near the waterfalls. Next, drag a villager to the beehive. The bees will chase them away. Now, drag them to the torches under the beehive. They will light them and scare away the bees. You now have your first food source. Now, put only one person on farming and DON'T MAKE BABIES at this point because more people eat up your food quicker and this honey will not last long.
Now you can go about doing other things and puzzles but make sure you have at least one person, if not, two, researching. I'd recommend making sure you have 3 adept builders for later because you'll need one. In general, just keep rotating jobs.
Once you have 4,500 tech points, you have a choice to make and two options. By now, your tree should be grown and you should still have one person on farming harvesting both honey and fruit. You have two options:
  • Invest in the nature faction
  • Wait until you have 7,000 and buy level 2 restoration.
VillagersHere is what each option will do:Virtual
Nature faction will replenish your food sources quicker.
Level 2 restoration will allow you to fix the rain lift (broken machine), if you have 3 adept builders. Once that is fixed, when it rains, a villager can go up in the tree and get another seed to plant and grow into another tree. You will need to have three trees in total eventually for a puzzle.
You could choose either one of these but you should by them both eventually. You could also buy magic faction, but I recommend nature if you're having food problems.
Once you have three trees in the orchard and level 1 nature (or magic) buy level 2 of your faction. Now, if you have solved puzzle 3, you can get rid of the sharks. If you have level 2 nature faction, make the following potion:

Virtual Villagers 3 Potions

Pitcher + Orchid + Orchid
If you have level 2 magic faction, make this potion:

Videos For Virtual Villagers 3

Berries + Rose + Rose
I recommend doing this with at least level 2 alchemy.
If you want to know where these herbs are, there is an herb location map in the guides section.
Then your villager will take the vial to the ocean and get rid of the sharks. Your villagers can now fish which is an unlimited food source. Your food problems are now gone.

Edited by LadyCFII (05/22/0803:42 AM)
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Virtual Villagers 3

Virtual Villagers 3 Potions