

Software – SpColumn. SpColumn dikembangkan untuk desain dan penyelidikan bagian beton bertulang mengalami beban aksial dan lentur gabungan. Bagian ini bisa persegi panjang, bulat atau tidak teratur, dengan tata letak penguatan atau pola. Efek kelangsingan dapat disederhanakan melalui saat-saat perbesaran sebagai pengganti rumit dan memakan. SpColumn Description. Upgraded to ACI 318-11, spColumn is widely used for design of shear walls, bridge piers as well as typical framing elements in buildings and structures. Formerly pcaColumn, PCACOL, and IrrCOL, spColumn investigates sections that are impossible to find on design charts or to do by hand. SpColumn is developed for the design.

  • Two- and three-dimensional frames and trusses
  • Second order analysis for P-D effects and tension-only members
  • Inclined supports
  • Linear and rotational springs
  • Hinged, fixed, and semi-rigid member ends
  • Shear deformations
  • Member rigid-end offsets
  • Rigid diaphragms
  • Non-prismatic members
  • Point, uniform, triangular, concentrated, and temperature loads
  • Local, global, or projected application of loads
  • Cracked section properties

Spcolumn Manual

  • Practically unlimited number of joints, members, loads, load cases, load combinations, and other entries
  • User-selected units for every input and output parameter. Units can be changed at any time while inputting data or after solving a problem
  • Member grouping
  • Input and output kept in memory for speed; option of saving all data on disk
  • All program options and commands have equivalent push-buttons for fast and easy access
  • All entries, including joints and members, permit alphanumeric labels (instead of numbers)
  • Automatic generation of joints and members
  • Input dialog boxes have clear labels and all relevant units displayed at all times
  • Stiffness matrix method of solution
  • Ability to save the stiffness matrices
  • Internal automatic model optimization
  • Checking of input errors, inconsistencies, and structural stability
  • Local processing: segmental forces, moments, and displacements at 100 segments per member
  • Local processing for user-selected members
  • Local processing for user-selected load combinations
  • True multitasking while running solver
  • Ability to pause or abort solver at any time

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  • Ability to import and export AutoCAD files (DXF)
  • Automatic file saving (AutoSave) while inputting data
  • Ability to save input files in binary and text format
  • Ability to copy graphics to the Windows clipboard
  • Ability to save material properties, section properties, nonprismatic member properties, and load entries in library files that can be shared by all PCA-Frame input files
  • Built-in file compression utility
  • Fast graphical interface that displays the model geometry at all times for verification
  • Graphic image displaying joints, members and their labels, member rigid-end offsets, joint fixities (supports), and member orientation
  • Ability to superimpose applied loads, deflected shape, and resulting shear and moment diagrams on the modeled structure
  • Ability to zoom, translate (pan), or rotate the graphical image
  • Ability to display portions of the graphical image for a clearer presentation
  • Ability to obtain member information by simply clicking on the member

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  • English (in.-lb) or SI (metric) units
  • Online help
  • User-controlled screen color settings
  • Ability to save defaults and settings for future input sessions
  • Auto-input feature that 'walks' you through the input process