3d Scatter Plot Software

  1. 3d Scatter Plot Software Tutorial
  2. 3d Scatter Plot Software Reviews

Upload your Excel data to Chart Studio's grid

  1. 3D scatter plot with Plotly Express¶ Plotly Express is the easy-to-use, high-level interface to Plotly, which operates on a variety of types of data and produces easy-to-style figures. Like the 2D scatter plot px.scatter, the 3D function px.scatter3d plots individual data in three-dimensional space.
  2. From the Matplotlib documentation, you can generate a legend from a scatter plot with getting the handles and labels of the output of the scatter function. The result of the code is shown in the picture below. Note that I generated more data points in order to better see that the colormap is the same. Also, the output of ListedColorMap outputs.

Open the data file for this tutorial in Excel. You can download the file here in CSV format

Head to Chart Studio

3d Scatter Plot SoftwarePlot

The 3D scatter plot displays a collection of trivariate points plotted on an X-Y-Z grid. When running the software, the plot may be rotated by the user, or can be set to auto-rotate in any direction. Reference planes and lines to any access may also be shown on any 3D scatter plot graph.

Head to the Chart Studio Workspace and sign into your free Chart Studio account. Go to 'Import', click 'Upload a file', then choose your Excel file to upload. Your Excel file will now open in Chart Studio's grid. For more about Chart Studio's grid, see this tutorial

Creating the Scatter Plot

Select '3D Scatter Plots' from the MAKE A PLOT button on menu bar.


Enable the Group By Option from the toolbar, and select the headers as shown in the figure. Finally click on Plot Button to generate the plot

Finalizing the Plot

We will now add some style elements to the generated plot.

3d Scatter Plot Software Tutorial

Styling options are present on the left side of the plot. To set the background color, (1) Click on the 'Axis' selector on the options menu on the left side of the plot, (2) Click on the 'Lines' tab from the pop-up, (3) Set 'Background' to 'On', and (4) Select background color from the color pallete.

Axes and Grid: Go to 'Lines' tab from 'Axis' Selector. (1) Set Grid Lines to 'On' and select white color from pop-up, (2) Set Zero Lines to 'On' and select white color from pop-up

Exporting the final chart

3d Scatter Plot Software Reviews

The final plot should look something like this:

You can export the finished plot to embed in the excel notebook. We also recommend adding the Chart Studio link to the excel for easy access to the interactive version. To get the link to the chart, click on the 'Share' button. To export the chart, as an image, click on 'EXPORT' button on the toolbar.

To add the Excel file to your workbook, click where you want to insert the picture inside Excel. On the INSERT tab inside Excel, click PICTURE. Locate the Chart Studio graph image that you downloaded and then double-click it: